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UGS 302: Contemporary Topics in Pharmacy-Based Healthcare - Karboski

Follow the research: in-class activity

From popular to scholarly

Follow the research...on your own

Use keywords from a reference and search them the UT Libraries homepage or on Google Scholar. Say you find a paragraph like this from a recent news article:

"William Chopik, an assistant professor of psychology at Michigan State University, has found evidence of the power of optimism. He and his research colleagues studied optimism, in addition to health and activity limitations, in 2,758 older couples in a national dataset."

What are the keywords that will help you find this article?

Maybe: optimism, health, chopik? Search that on

search optimism, health, chopik in search bar

Your results may include both the article you are searching for and other articles that cite it.

What we're going to do...

I'm going to assign you an article to read.

Skim the form so you know what to look for in the short article you need to read.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.