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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

UGS 302: City in Latin American History / Lara

Using sources to find more sources

Entering the scholarly conversation.

Take a look at your course readings dealing with pre-Columbian or colonial cities in the Americas. Take a look at the citations, references, the bibliographies that the authors used. 

Every article builds upon preexisting scholarly conversations and pushes the field forward with new knowledge. By investigating the articles that an author used in their research, you can find where that author got their information.

Tracing research back: What theories, ideas, studies or findings were important in this author's research?

  1. a bibliography / list of references, will likely have many citations. Reading an article will help you decide which articles or books were most important to this author in building her research. 
  2. identify if this is a book, an article, or something else (website, data, film...) (see 'identifying source types' at left)
  3. you can search for a book or article using the citation information in three ways:
    1. Search using our all in one search. The results will be organized by source type (books, articles). Below, I used the title and author of one of the articles in your syllabus.
      search for the title and author
    2. Can't find it? Two things may have happened. One, you tried to search a book chapter title instead of the whole book's title. Two, the article you searched wasn't indexed properly in our system and you have to search for it by journal title instead (see 'identifying source types' at left). Here's how you search for a journal:
      use the journal search to see if we own the issue of the journal you need.
    3. When you click on the Journals search, you will see an option for Citation Linker, which is a form that may help for hard to find things.
    4. Try Google Scholar. It's pretty forgiving when you type just about anything. Your results may be surprisingly irrelevant and Scholar doesn't index everything, so you may not find it, but it's worth a try.

Tracing research forward: What theories, ideas, studies or findings were influenced by this author's work?

The easiest way to find out who cited a work is to use Google Scholar. 

cited by indicates how many articles cite this one. related articles is similar research, try both.

Where is the article? Help!

Sometimes you see a link to the pdf or html of a full article - yay!

Sometimes you don't...instead, you see this:

If you click that, the databases will all talk to each other, find where the article lives, and take you right there.

Oof! It's only available in print? You can go get it on the shelves, or click:

and the library will scan and email you the article - even if we don't own it!

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