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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

UGS 303: Latin America: Environmental History and Sustainability / Knapp

Learn more about your product and country

Broad overviews of topics

Start by finding broad overviews of your chosen commodity and country. These sources are good for background knowledge, keyword brainstorming, identifying important names, dates, and events, identifying various aspects of your topic, narrowing your topic, and finding other sources using the bibliographies presented at the bottom of entries.

Ask yourself these questions:

1) What are the different parts of my commodity chain?

2) What are the conditions in my country (economy, health, crime, social, environmental, etc.) that I should learn more about in order to understand how this product affects the country?

PLEASE NOTE: These databases provide overview articles that are a good starting place for topic definition and keyword gathering but DO NOT count towards your 2 library source requirements. Please use the pages at left to find the journal articles, books and news sources you may use for this requirement. 

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