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UGS 303: Rethinking the Founding - Sparrow

Find Primary Sources

Primary vs. Secondary Sources

Video via Hartness Library

What is a Primary Source?

Primary sources are produced by participants or direct observers of an issue, event or time period. These sources may be recorded during the event or later on, by a participant reflecting upon the event. In some cases, it will be difficult to obtain the original source, so you may have to rely on copies (photocopies, microfilm, digital copies). Copies or transcriptions of a primary source still count as a primary source.  

Some examples of primary sources include:

  • Newspapers
  • Speeches
  • Government documents
  • Legal documents
  • Public opinion polls
  • Personal materials, including letters, diaries, interviews, memoirs, autobiographies, and oral histories
  • Images
  • Works of art (novels, plays, paintings, etc.)

How to Analyze Primary Sources

While primary sources are often desirable for the raw, non-interpreted information they provide, it is important to analyze them for your research. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Who is the creator and what was their relationship to the event or issue?
  • Why did the creator produce this source?
  • Was the source for personal use?  For a large audience?
  • Was the source intended to be public (newspaper) or private (correspondence)?
  • How neutral was the creator?  What biases or interests might have influenced how the source was created?
  • Can the source be substantiated by other primary sources? Can you confirm what the creator is saying?

Databases for Primary Sources

Primary Sources in the Library Catalog

Searching the library catalog with "subject headings" ("tags" that librarians have added to books) seems to work well.
Adding d:to a search term searches it as a subject heading.  

Using d:sources searches for items that have this tag, usually books that contain primary source material.

Combine with any other topic you have in mind, example:
d:colonial period d:women d:sources (will search for primary sources by/about women in the Colonial Period)

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Course Requirements

If you are unsure whether or not a source you have found meets the primary source requirement for a particular class or project, please ask your professor

Primary Sources on the Web

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