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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

HIS 350R: Civil Rights from a Comparative Perspective

Secondary Sources (Scholarly Journal Articles)

Start Here First

Start searching with the big search box on the library homepage.

  • It searches most but not all the library's resources and will show results across six different categories: Articles & More, Books & Media, Journals, Databases, Research Guides, and the Library Website.

A more targeted place to search is at the link for Articles & More beneath the search bar.

  • We also encourage you to explore the other databases and journals we offer since Articles & More doesn't show results from all sources

On the left toolbar in Articles & More, check these boxes for credible & relevant results: 

  • Peer-Reviewed Journals

If you want to narrow even more, try these options to filter:

  • Resource Type
  • Subject
  • Creation Date

Keep an eye on the number of your search results. Start browsing when you feel you have a manageable number of results to skim through. 

Not all of our books are available online as ebooks. Here is how to limit your search to only books available online.

Remember that your keyword strategy will need to be broader because books cover broader topics than do articles.

These screenshots (you can open them in a new tab to enlarge) lead you from

Step 1:

Use the Books and Media link under the search bar on


Step 2:

On the next screen, enter your search terms.


Step 3:

oN the left side, you can limit to items available online


Step 4:

Under each result, there is a link Available Online. Click that.

Step 5:

every publisher link is differently named once you are in the full record

Using Databases to Find Secondary Sources

A significant piece of your final assignment is to include secondary sources that offer analysis and interpretation of the person, event, or movement you are covering through your primary source research. Here are links to databases that contain scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles, scholarly books, and book chapters.

Where's the Article?

If you don’t see a .pdf of the article you want, click FIND IT AT UT to find it in another database or in print in the Libraries.

If it is only in print in the Libraries or we don’t own the article, click GET A SCAN to have the article emailed to you. This option will take a few days.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.