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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

UGS 303: Clothing/Costume as Culture / Mickey



Search tips!

Be persistent! Research is a lot of work and it can be frustrating. Maybe I'm a total dork (I am), but I think it's super satisfying to brainstorm keywords, play with limiters on search forms, and explore unexpected resources and disciplines to track down research. Here is an example:

What is a bibliography for?

You're making a bibliography - ever wonder why? In part, it's to allow others interested in your topic to learn more about it. So, do the same thing when you find an article you like. Scan the bibliography for the sources that inspired the author.

You can often simply copy and paste the title of the article into Google Scholar or scoUT:

Find articles, books, media, and more in one search.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.