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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

AFR 320C: Power and Place in Making Texas History / Gordon


How to Use This Guide

This library research guide was designed for the Power and Place in Making Texas History course, taught by Dr. Gordon and Dr. Colòn-Pizzini. 

On This Guide

Find instructions on how and where to find background information, scholarly sources and primary sources. View the page on "Annotated Bibliographies" for help on writing summaries of your sources. Under "More Help", you'll also find other important information about library services, citation help and writing support. 

Research Help

  • Your course librarian, Adriana, is available for one-on-one research appointments to help you with your final projects. Contact her via email with questions or schedule an appointment using the links to the right.
  • You can also get quick research help through our Ask A Librarian live chat service

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.