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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

FR 381N - Translation Workshop - Frizzi

Find dictionaries for translating

Find dictionaries for translating - overview

There are many different goals for creating translations, and there are many different dictionaries to match those goals.  As you search the UT Libraries catalog (or other commercial online tools) for a dictionary (or dictionaries), think about what the purpose of the translation is:

  • are you trying to get a sense of the text?  If so, then maybe a college dictionary (such as "Cassell's) or online translating tool such as Google Translate will be a good start. 
  • are you trying to create a scientifically or legally accurate translation?  In that case, a more comprehensive, authoritative, multi-volume dictionary or a subject specific dictionary might be useful. 
  • are you trying to create a 'beautiful' translation that might capture the poetry or rhythm or complexity of an original?  In that case, a more comprehensive multi-volume dictionary might be most appropriate.
  • are you translating something "recent" (defined in part by the topic focus)?  In that case, you will need a newer dictionary. 
  • Not sure what a "good" dictionary might be?  Ask your librarian/s, or look for reviews!

Find dictionaries for translating - strategies

Browse PCL Stacks for these call numbers * :

French Dictionaries: PC 2625 - PC 2640

Italian Dictionaries: PC 1625 - PC 1640

Spanish Dictionaries: PC 4625 - PC 4640

More complete browsing list of of dictionaries by languages

*NOTE: Use the Library catalog for a more complete listing.  Many dictionaries will be stored in off-site locations or in other call number ranges, and can be requested using the catalog's Pick It Up option. 



The UT Libraries catalog has many many language dictionaries. 

Tip 1) Search by language/s desired plus the word language plus dictionaries;

Tip 2) Sort by date to put the newest dictionaries at the top of the results list.

Library catalog search keywords french english language dictionaries / sort by date

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