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BIO 206L- Introductory Laboratory Experiments In Biology - Maas

APA Style Resources

Basics of APA Style

APA style dictates the use of in-text citations and reference lists to refer to the resources referenced in your work. 

In-text citations are references to the author and year of the publication in the text of the paper at the point of reference. This placement allows the reader to easily note the addition of others' contributions. 

Works with one author:

(Kang, 2010)

Works with two authors:

(Feng & Bass, 2016)

Works with three or more authors:

(Labiner et al., 1993)

Reference lists are at the end of a work. Each reference will correspond to at least one in-text citation included in the body of the paper. The reference list provides additional information allowing the reader to easily access the resource. The reference lists are always in alphabetical order by the last name of the first author. 


Feng, N. Y., & Bass, A. H. (2016). “Singing” fish rely on circadian rhythm and melatonin for the timing of nocturnal courtship vocalization. Current Biology, 26(19), 2681–2689.

Kang, B.-H. (2010). Electron microscopy and high-pressure freezing of arabidopsis. In Methods in Cell Biology (Vol. 96, pp. 259–283).

Labiner, D. A., Butler, L. S., Cao, Z., Hosford, D. A., Shin, C., & McNamara, J. O. (1993). Induction of c-fos mRNA by kindled seizures: Complex relationship with neuronal burst firing. The Journal of Neuroscience, 13(2), 744–751.

Annotated Bibliographies in APA Style

The guidance from the APA Publication Manual Seventh Edition is listed in chapter nine, section 51 (9.51) on page 307. An annotated bibliography example is on page 307, figure 9.3.

Overall guidance:

  • The annotated bibliography will be in alphabetical order by the last name of the first author. 

APA Style Resources

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