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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

UGS 302: Marketing for Social Profit - Golden


In-Class Activities

Evaluation activity

To do independently: Open source one and read through it for just a couple of minutes - you won't be able to read all of it, but you can get an idea of what the source is about and how it was created (the introduction and methods section could help here). You can use Google if you need to to help you find out more about the article. Notice the structure of the article and any characteristics about the article that you want to discuss with the class.

With your group, discuss the following questions:

  1. What kind of source is source one? What would you call it?

  2. What characteristics of the source made you think this?

  3. Is this source appropriate to use as a source of information in one of your presentations? Why or why not?

  4. Why would you cite outside sources in an assignment?

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Sarah Brandt
Need research help in your UGS 302/303 or TC 302 course? Sarah is available for one-on-one virtual consults on Zoom. Click "Schedule Appointment" or send an email to get started! Sarah is generally only available to meet or to respond to email during business hours.

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