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Literature Reviews

Review Results

Review Results

  • Save search results in a citation management tool (such as Zotero, Mendeley or EndNote -- see Box below)
  • De-duplicate search results (you can do this in the citation management software)
  • Make sure you've found the seminal pieces -- they have been cited many times, this work is considered foundational
  • Assess the journals (see box below)
    • Consider whether the key journals in the field have been included
      • Key journals are those with high impact (journal metrics)
  • Check with your professor or a librarian to make sure your search has been comprehensive

Citation Management Tools

There are a variety of citation management tools available to support students and scholars in collecting, organizing and citing literature. UT Librarians often recommend Zotero to students because it is free and portable, but there are other tools.

​Citation Management Software Comparison Charts

EndNote (Basic is free from Web of Science/Clarivate)

EndNote comes in different versions: EndNote (license desktop), EndNote Basic and EndNote Online, click here to learn more.

Mendeley (free from Elsevier)

Zotero (free Open source)

Assess the Journals

Journal metrics such as Journal Citation Reports, Google Journal Metrics or Acceptance Rates can help you determine how a journal stacks up against other journals in the field and may help you determine not only where to submit your manuscript, but how heavily you should weigh certain articles. Journals with a higher impact factor are thought of more highly. These numbers vary between disciplines, so only compare the impact factor of a journal with other journals in the same discipline. There are also alternative journal metrics.

Journal Citation Reports

Journal Citation Reports (JCR) is a produced by Clarivate Analytics. It can be accessed either by a direct link to the database  from Library Search or from within the Web of Science interface. JCR uses multiple factors to evaluate journals such as Impact Factor, Immediacy Index, EigenFactor, Cited Half Life, and Article Influence Score. JCR is a trusted source for journal ranking but it does not cover all journals. 

Google Journal Metrics

Google Scholar collects and distributes journal level metrics as a way to rank and compare journals. To access these metrics click on the link on the lines to the left of the words Google Scholar to see the page titled Metrics. 

Acceptance Rates

Journal acceptance rates indicate how selective journals are about the submissions they accept. If a journal is more selective, that generally indicates that the content is of a better quality. However, these can be hard to find. 

Alternative Journal Metrics

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.