E 327: The British Novel in the 18th Century, Janine Barchas
A guide to the online resources for research in the course, E 327: The British Novel in the 18th Century, taught by Dr. Janine Barchas. Includes links to UT Libraries' subscription-based resources and free, open-access resources.
Use the following databases ONLY for the expansion of Essay #2.
These collections are where published essays and articles by prior critics about our novels might be found. These essays are not mere blogs or articles on the internet, but articles published in professional academic and peer-reviewed journals to which the UT Libraries pay for a separate subscription.
When it comes to your essays, do not go searching here for starter ideas (you risk, at best, being derivative and, at worst, plagiarism). But eventually turn to these sites for the existing academic conversation about the topic that you have already identified on your own in your essay draft.
For more information about the types of secondary, scholarly sources you may encounter in your searches, refer to the "Types of Secondary Sources" page.
The MLA International Bibliography is one of the top search tools for literary studies, and it's a key resource for this class.
This database was created and is maintained by the Modern Language Association, which is the same organization behind the citation style. The search interface is provided through the information resource company, EBSCO. The Libraries subscribe to many journal collections from EBSCO covering different disciplines. You may have used EBSCO databases in other classes, but keep in mind that this link takes you to a unique collection of journals, books, dissertations, and other scholarly sources covering literary criticism and literary studies.
Updated ten times per year. Indexes critical materials on literature, criticism, drama, languages, linguistics, and folklore. Provides access to citations from over 4,400 journals, series, books, essay collections, working papers, proceedings, dissertations, and bibliographies. Produced by the Modern Language Association.
The ABELL collection of scholarly journals is part of Literation Online (LION). Select the "Criticism" tab to search for journals (and exclude primary sources and reference articles).
Updated monthly. Contains over 750,000 records covering monographs, periodical articles, critical editions of literary works, book reviews, collections of essays and doctoral dissertations published anywhere in the world. Includes links to the full text of 61 journals.
This innovative tool from JSTOR allows you to browse the entire text of a literary work, and see the scholarly articles that cite particular lines of text. It's an excellent way to find scholars' close readings of a particular passage. It includes most of the major works by authors covered in this class.
**NOTE: This tool can be slow to load and sometimes does not work off campus. Notify Gina if you run into trouble with it.**