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German Nationalism, German Nationalisms, GSD 361K / GOV 368T / EUS 346 / REE 335

Peer review and impact, Quality

Peer review and impact, Quality

Once you have selected articles to evaluate, you will want to consider not just the article itself, but also the journal (or edited collection) it is published in and the author. 

Examine the article?  Is it truly original and/or research?   

Journals may include many different types of material, so make sure your article is research.  Elements of research articles may include:

list of peer review article elements: abstract, into, notes, results, bibliography

Even if a journal is considered peer reviewed, not all articles within that journal may be peer reviewed.  Articles that are not peer reviewed may include:

  • letters to the editor
  • new briefs
  • editorials
  • review articles
  • book reviews
Peer review is a sign of authority, but be aware:
  • Some databases allow you to limit your results to peer reviewed, but typically, publications self-report to vendors that they are peer reviewed.
  • Dubious publications may claim peer reviewed status, so try your own evaluation.
Evaluate Peer review
  • Google the journal title, head to their website and review the submission information. When an author submits an article for publication in this journal, what process will it undergo by those who review it? Look for:
    • double blind refereeing (neither the reviewer or author is identified to one another)
    • fact-checking
    • citation checking
    • Quality editing (lacking obvious typos, grammar or clarity problems)
    • ethical standards (may be more applicable to sciences, social sciences)
    • Does the journal web page name their editorial board? Who are they and what are their affiliations?  Do the editors list the journal on their own personal pages?  [Some unethical journal publishers "appoint" editors without telling the editors themselves.]


Google the author
  • What are his/her/their affiliations? (what university or laboratory do they work at? Who pays for their research?)
  • What else has he/she/they published?
  • Where else has he/she/they published?
  • Who has cited his/her/their work? (you can search this on Google Scholar)

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