Using an article from your syllabus as your starting point, you can trace the scholarly conversation.
Baglivio, M. T., & Wolff, K. T. (2021). Positive childhood experiences (PCE): Cumulative resiliency in the face of adverse childhood experiences. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 19(2), 139-162.
Every article builds upon preexisting scholarly conversations and pushes the field forward with new knowledge. By investigating the articles that an author used in their research, you can find where that author got their information. By investigating articles that have cited an article, you can see how scholars have built upon pre-existing research.
Tracing research back: What theories, ideas, studies or findings were important in this author's research?
- a bibliography / list of references, will have many citations. Reading an article will help you decide which articles or books were most important to this author in building her research.
- Search using our all in one search. You can simply paste the citation into the search bar - sometimes you need to search just the title and author.
Tracing research forward: What theories, ideas, studies or findings were influenced by this author's work?
The easiest way to find out who cited a work is to use Google Scholar.