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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Textiles & Apparel

Find Scholarly Research

Databases and How to Use Them

Using databases can be incredibly helpful when performing scholarly research about fabric, fashion, and business. You can find a list of Textiles & Apparel databases that carry articles and other reading materials here. You can also find some recommended databases listed below for your convenience. Click "more" underneath the database to read about what topics they cover. Use the search strategies examples to the right to find what you need.

Search Strategies

Are you getting too many results?

Use the word AND (in all-caps) between your search terms.

  • Dior AND "new look"
  • "fashion designers" AND punk

Search for a Specific Phrase

Put quotations around a group of words like "new look" to retrieve results with that exact wording.


Do you need more results?

Use the word OR (in all-caps) between your search terms. 

  • 19th century OR nineteenth century
  • realise OR realize

Use an * at the end of a word to search for all forms of that word. 

  • educat* will return results for education, educator, educated, educating;etc.
  • environment* will also return results for environmentalism and environmentalist

An * can also be used to replace a character in a word.

  • wom*n will search for women and woman


Do you need more relevant results?

Use the word NOT (in all-caps) between your search terms.

  • UT NOT Tennessee
  • advertisement NOT magazine

Try grouping the above strategies in a single search: 

  • (children OR adolescents) AND disability AND (19th century OR nineteenth century)

Find a Journal

Search for print and electronic journals. Enter the title of the journal into either search box to see if the UT Libraries has a subscription. If you don't find the journal in print, try entering the title in the e-journal search box. 

Still not finding what you need? Request an article through Interlibrary Loan.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.