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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

TD 388J 1: Costume Design / Barreto

Find Images

Find Images at UT

Many images are not on the Internet, so don't forget to use the UT Library Catalog search window to find images in books on your topic.  You can also try adding "illus" or "pictorial works" to your topic search terms to narrow the search to illustrated works.

UT Libraries also have scanners to make it easy to digitize and use these images in your presentations. Just remember to write down these image sources, so you can cite them later.

Find Images in Text Databases

Strategies for finding images embedded in text databases can vary. For some try "More" at the navigation bar and then choose "images"; or choose the Advanced Search feature and select "Images." For JSTOR, select the "Advanced Search" feature; then under the "All fields" drop down, choose "caption" to get at images that have captions under them.

Image Research Guide

Curious about images? What to learn more about image resources available at UT and on the web?

Check out the Image Research Guide created by Tina Tran, Visual Arts Librarian, and Sydney Kilgore, former Visual Resources Coordinator.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.