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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Jaipur Fulbright Conference 2024

Share Your Work: Repositories and Data Sharing

Consider Repositories

See below for examples of open access repositories to help share your work freely.

Preserve and share your data

For the longer term, it’s a good idea to deposit and share your data via a stable, trustworthy repository that comes with a commitment to maintaining datasets and providing long-term, persistent access.
  • Find a disciplinary data repository. Look first for a repository specifically relevant to your academic discipline, such as ICPSR or QDR for social science research, or GenBank for genomic sequence data. This will increase the visibility of your data within your field, and will also likely be more tailored to your needs.
  • Use a general purpose data repository. If you cannot find or do not have access to a suitable disciplinary repository, a general purpose repository may suit your needs. Examples include DRYAD for general biosciences or figshare for an even wider variety.  
  • Enable data citation. Reinforce data citation within your own presentations and papers. Where possible, references should be to a permanent location so that others can locate and use it, and cite it in turn. Indeed, many journals are now requesting a persistent URL for your data as a prerequisite for publication.
  • Provide persistent access. If you want your data to be found and cited, you need to use identifiers that are globally unique and persistent. That is to say, they must not be repeated elsewhere and they must not change over time. Digital Object Identifiers are a good choice for data.
  • Understand your rights. Data as facts are not generally copyrightable, but their organization and presentation may be. Likewise there may be access restrictions due to the presence of sensitive information. Different licensing options can be found at the Open Data Commons

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.