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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

UGS 302 Health and Illness in the Americas (Zazueta)

Library Locations

Welcome to the UT Libraries!

If you look at the title of this box, you'll notice it says UT Libraries, not UT Library. That is because we have several libraries located throughout our campus! As an undergraduate you will probably spend most of your time at the Perry-Castaneda Library (PCL). This is the largest library on campus and contains the greatest breadth of materials. So, as an undergraduate you could find resources here for your Signature Course final paper on human trafficking in Eastern Europe, your Biology project on local ecosystems, and your Film Studies presentation on the Golden Age of Hollywood. (You could also visit the Writing Center, use a computer in the Mac lab, and get a coffee from Prufrock's-- for more info on PCL, see the tab on the left!) 

But as you get further into your studies, either as an advanced undergrad or as a graduate students, you might want to get familiar with some of our branch libraries. For example, if you decide to go to grad school at UT for biochemistry, you will want to visit the Life Sciences Library, located in the Main building. Not only is this a beautiful library that looks like it is straight out of Harry Potter (see below), it also holds materials that you will need to conduct your advanced research.

Also, if you are someone who needs peace and quiet to study, one of our branch libraries might become *your* spot during your time here at UT! PCL is wonderful, but it can be a little noisy.

Here is a list of our branch libraries. If you click "Learn More" under each location, you can learn more about the services they offer!

Hall of Noble Words in the Life Sciences Library at University of Texas at Austin

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