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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Middle East Cooperative Collecting Agreement

The Middle East Cooperative Collecting Agreement (MECCA) functions to reduce duplication of and to facilitate access to diverse resources on the Middle East across participating institutions. In its pilot stage, MECCA will focus on cooperative serials dev

Review & Decision Cycle

The Pilot Program Cycle

For the MECCA pilot, we are focusing exclusively on currently-received Middle Eastern serials. Our cycle of data gathering, review, and decision-making tends to go like this:


  • gather data on currently-received serials and serials, or areas, of interest for collection development
  • meet to review the data from all participating institutions together, and share our individual areas of interests and/or goals
  • on our own: make preliminary add/drop decisions

Early fall:

  • meet to share preliminary drop and add decisions and finalize decisions
  • share the necessary changes with our vendor(s) in the Middle East and our colleagues in acquisitions, cataloging, and/or serials processing


  • meet to review the impact of the changes and to discuss the next areas of focus

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.