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UGS 302: Performance in Early European Literature / Thomas

Background information - how to choose and develop a research question

Choosing a topic is research

So far, you may have a very broad topic. The way to narrow it down and find something researchable is to see what the conversation is around your topic.

Here is a broad topic idea: female friendship in City of Ladies by Christine de Pizan

This is not a thesis statement - I can't write that until I do research.

What do I need to know in addressing my topic? This is a creative process and relies on your curiosity.

Search in the below resources and pull together any narrower topics and keywords you might want to investigate.

Now, how do experts/scholars talk about your topic?

Your need to learn how experts talk about your topic and what specific controversies you can narrow down to. Take keywords from encyclopedias or from the titles, abstracts and other article descriptors that are displayed in result lists:

Text (search one at a time)

aspect to investigate (you may not know until you do preliminary research)
city of ladies feminism
christine de pizan misogyny
  widows / widowhood
  marriage / husbands / matrimony

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