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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

TC 302: Idolatry & Iconoclasm / Peers

Enter the Scholarly Conversation

How to identify experts

When you're choosing a place to search, you have to start by asking, who are the experts on this topic and where would their works be published?

Art Historians and Art Critics

Philosophy and Religion


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How much is enough research?

No easy answers here, either. This is a question I get from graduate students.

Here are some ideas for figuring this out:

  • Lay out your assertions in the paper - how much evidence do you have for each assertion? Do some assertions need more evidence (sometimes you can tell you need more evidence because you have begun to ramble rather than using evidence to back up claims succinctly)? Is anything backed up in a repetitive manner (i.e., 4 sources that say the same thing)?
  • Lay out the major assertions in your paper and explain them to a friend. Let her ask you questions. Can you answer those questions using evidence? Are there gaps you need to fill? Did you make some leaps?
  • Visit with me (or any librarian) and/or the Writing Center. We'll sort this out!

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