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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

MUS 381: Reference and Research Materials in Music

Browsing the Collection

Using Browse

Browsing the collection is a great way to explore a new field.

To enter browse mode, click the BROWSE button in the top menu bar on any page.

Note:  The Browse function works only in the Library Catalog (local records).  It doesn't apply with Articles & More.  Browse searches across all library locations. 

  • Title: see titles that are adjacent to one another alphabetically, or that contain the same word or phrase.
  • Name: search by personal/corporate name(s) that are authors or subjects, for example Rowling, J.K. (author) and Rowling, J.K. Characters (subject heading).
  • Series:  title and number.
  • Subjects: enter a subject heading and view similar or associated subject headings.  (This category excludes personal and corporate names as subjects; browse these under Name instead.)
  • Call Number: enter a call number and view adjacent call numbers, which can replicate shelf browsing. (It's not possible to browse within a particular library location, however - all locations across the LIbraries are included.)

Library of Congress Music Classification

Physical books and scores at UT Libraries are arranged by Library of Congress call numbers. 


Outline of LC call nos.
M = scores / printed music
ML = books about music
MT = music instruction & study

Instrument and Voice Guides with call number ranges (IU)

Selected Examples of Call Number Bases

M1001 scores of symphonies
M1500 full scores of operas
M1503 vocal scores of operas
ML128 bibliographies about topics, genres, instruments, etc.
ML134 bibliographies about composers and other individuals or groups
ML410 books about composers
ML417 books about keyboardists
ML418 books about string players
ML419 books about other instrumentalists (esp. jazz)
ML420 books about singers
ML421 books about performing groups
ML1702-1706 books about secular vocal music (esp. opera) by time period
ML3506 books about jazz
ML3531 books about rap and hip hop
ML3534 books about rock

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