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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Daily Texan

Information about access to UT Austin's student newspaper, the Daily Texan.

Searching the Archive

Daily Texan Archive @ Texas ScholarWorks

Nearly 19,000 issues of the Daily Texan were published between 1900 and 2019 and most/all of these issues are now available through Texas ScholarWorks. 


  • Daily Texan issues have been scanned and OCR'ed from microfilm and hardcopy, and posted as entire issues in both PDF and TXT format.  Search results are at the issue level, not at the article level. There is no article-level metadata, such as article authors or article titles in the main search for this collection.
  • Texas ScholarWorks is powered by Dspace, an open source repository system. The Dspace search functions are quite limited, and many features you may be familiar with from other databases are not available or applicable here. 
  • The quality of OCR (optical character recognition) text generated in the digitization process is variable, and quite poor for pre-1960 issues.  This makes searching the early part of the collection using text terms problematic, and your results will likely be incomplete.

Searching Text


  • Be sure to select This Collection before running your search!  Otherwise you're searching the entire Texas ScholarWorks repository.
  • Search all phrases and names in quotation marks.  Example:  "darrell royal"
  • The repository's search engine defaults to the OR operator when multiple words are searched without quotes. 
  • The search engine's relevance ranking is based on added metadata, not the full text, so the best results may not be near the top.  It's best to re-sort the results by date for better browsing of issues.
  • There are no fields for article authors or headlines.  The entire issue is encoded as a single block of text.
  • You can filter your results by issue date or year.  Click the "Show Advanced Filters" button, select Date Issued, and enter a year or exact issue date (YYYY-MM-DD), and click Apply. 
  • When looking inside an issue for the occurrences and context of your search terms, it can be more efficient to first open the TXT file and use the Find function in your browser.  The PDF files can be quite large and take extra time to load.  Remember that the quality of the OCR affects this searching too.

Sample phrase search with date limiter:

screen shot of sample archive search

  1. Search phrase enclosed in quotes.
  2. Button to open Filter options.
  3. Date Issued is the only functional filter for this collection.
  4. Enter a year or exact issue date.

Browse and Search by Date

The ISSUE DATE (YYYY-MM-DD) is the only metadata field available for browsing and searching in the Daily Texan collection.  (Buttons for Authors, Titles, Subjects and Departments have no validity here.)

Browse by Year

  1. Click the Browse by Issue Date button (or Date Issued link in right-side menu)
  2. Enter a year in the search box.
  3. All available issues from that year will come up.  You can re-sort by descending date (ascending is the default) or change the number of issues displayed per screen by clicking on the Gear icon. 
  4. IMPORTANT:  If you wish to search another year, you must start over by clicking on the Date Issued link in the side menu; otherwise it just reloads the first year you searched.


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.