This guide provides links to databases, digitized collections, and other information sources useful for E 371C: Early Celebrity Culture, taught by Dr. Janine Barchas. Your librarian is Gina Bastone.
Many of these databases are tricky to search effectively, so please do not hesitate to ask for help!
Below are the important primary resources and reference works. The first set in the list are subscription-based and behind a paywall. You have access through the UT Libraries and will need to login with your EID and password. The others are open and freely available, and we have provided the links.
If you need more clarity on what defines primary sources and reference sources, refer to the "About Primary & Reference Sources" page.
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The newspapers and pamphlets gathered by the Reverend Charles Burney (1757-1817) represent the largest single collection of 17th and 18th century English news media available anywhere. The 1,270-title collection includes a wide range of pamphlets, proclamations, newsbooks and newspapers from the period, covering more than 200 years of accounts from newspapers from England, Ireland, Scotland and a handful of papers from British colonies in the Americas and Asia.
Don’t forget to supplement with books and ebooks in the UT library, and your standard web wits, including Google Maps and Google Books. Resources on the web are always expanding––if you locate something so tremendously helpful that you think it should be on this go-to resource list, please email Prof. Barchas with your finding.
Each book includes an "About this book" page with basic bibliographic data like title, author, publication date, length and subject. For some books, additional information like key terms and phrases, references to the book from scholarly publications or other books, chapter titles and a list of related books.
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