UT GIS Day 2019
Event Date: | 11/13/2019 |
Event Locations: | Avaya Auditorium (POB 2.302) & PCL Learning Lab 1 (PCL 2.370) |
GIS Day events on campus will include a keynote presentation from Dr. David Maidment, a discussion panel highlighting the diversity of GIS work at UT, a workshop that will introduce the new Texas GeoData portal, a tour of the PCL Map Room, geospatial lightning talks, a geovisualization exhibition, and more! For full details and the event schedule visit the UT GIS Day website at
GIS for Historical Research
Event Type: | Workshop |
Event Date: | 11/8/2019 |
Event Time: | 1:00 - 2:30pm |
Event Location | PCL LL4 |
Downloads: | Workshop Slides (PDF) |
Geographic information system (GIS) software can be a valuable tool for facilitating historical research. With GIS software you can create maps to visualize past events, analyze spatiotemporal datasets to assess change over time, identify locations associated with historical records or documents, and more. This workshop will provide an explanation of key geospatial terms and concepts and provide an introduction to the use of GIS software for visualizing, analyzing, storing, processing, and managing historical geospatial data. Relevant GIS functionality will be demonstrated using QGIS software, a free and open source application that is widely used in the academic community.
GIS and Inclusive Cartography
Event Type: | Workshop |
Event Series: | Digital Diversity Day |
Event Date: | 10/27/2019 |
Event Time: | 4:00 - 5:30pm |
Event Location | CMB 4.114 |
Downloads: | Workshop Slides (PDF) |
This workshop will show how anyone can start using open source geographic information system (GIS) software and open data to design maps and carry out geospatial research. It will start with a discussion of core GIS and geospatial data concepts and build up to interactive demonstrations that utilize QGIS and publicly available datasets to explore the theme of inclusivity in the context of digital cartography.
Intro to GIS & Geospatial Data
Instructor: |
Michael Shensky |
Date: |
10/18/2019 (Fri.) |
Time: |
3:00 p.m. |
Location: |
PCL Learning Lab 1 |
Event Type: |
Workshop |
Event Series: |
Data & Donuts |
Downloads: | Workshop Slides (PDF) |
This workshop will provide an explanation of key geospatial terms and concepts and an introduction to geographic information system (GIS) software for visualizing, analyzing, storing, processing, and managing geospatial data. By the end of this session you should have the core knowledge required to start working effectively with geospatial datasets.
Map Georeference-a-thon
Date: |
4/12/2019 (Fri.) |
Time: |
12:00 p.m. |
Location: |
PCL Learning Lab 1 |
Event Type: |
Crowd sourcing |
Event Series: |
Special Event |
Learn how to georeference scanned images of historical maps with QGIS and help enhance the PCL Maps collection.
Map Making with GIS Software
Instructor: |
Michael Shensky |
Date: |
3/8/2019 (Fri.) |
Time: |
3:00 p.m. |
Location: |
PCL Learning Lab 1 |
Event Type: |
Workshop |
Event Series: |
Data & Donuts |
Downloads: | Workshop Slides (PDF) |
This workshop will cover the essentials of cartographic design and teach you how to design a custom map using QGIS software and openly available data that you can download online. Laptops preloaded with QGIS software will be available for attendees to use in the interactive portion of this work, but you are welcome to bring your own laptop if you would like so that you can work on your personal computer.
Designing ArcGIS Online Web Maps
Instructors: | Michael Shensky Albert Palacios |
Date: | 3/1/2019 (Fri.) |
Time: | 3:00 p.m. |
Location: | PCL Learning Lab 1 |
Event Type: | Workshop |
Event Series: | Data & Donuts |
Downloads: | Workshop Slides (PDF) |
ArcGIS Online is a cloud GIS platform which supports data hosting and provides an easy to use web interface for designing interactive web maps without having to write any code. This workshop will cover the process of uploading geospatial data to ArcGIS Online, publishing it as a web service that can call be called by web applications, and creating a customized Story Map web application that presents the data in a narrated fashion through an interactive map interface.
R for Geospatial Analysis
Instructor: | Emily Beagle |
Date: | 2/22/2019 (Fri.) |
Time: | 3:00 p.m. |
Location: | PCL Learning Lab 1 |
Event Type: | Workshop |
Event Series: | Data & Donuts |
Downloads: | Workshop Slides (PDF) |
This workshop will provide an introduction into the use of R and the RStudio integrated development environment for geoprocessing and geospatial analysis. Importing, manipulating, and visualizing geospatial data in R will be discussed in addition to demonstrations of common cases where geospatial analysis in R might be beneficial. Laptops with RStudio will be available so that you can follow along. No previous R experience is required.
Managing Data with GIS Software
Instructors: | Michael Shensky Jessica Trelogan |
Date: | 2/15/2019 (Fri.) |
Time: | 3:00 p.m. |
Location: | PCL Learning Lab 2 |
Event Type: | Workshop |
Event Series: | Data & Donuts |
Downloads: | Workshop Slides (PDF) |
This workshop will cover the essentials of working with geospatial data along with a review of data management best practices so that you can learn how to avoid the pitfalls that often ensnare researchers who are new to working with geospatial information.
Open Geospatial Data Discussion
Date: | 2/13/2019 (Wed.) |
Time: | 10:30 a.m. |
Location: | PCL Learning Lab 1 |
Event Type: | Discussion Panel |
Event Series: | Special Event |
This panel discussion will feature experts from local government organizations (the City of Austin, Travis County, and the Texas General Land Office) who are involved with the management and sharing of their organization’s geospatial data. They will discuss their respective roles and give their perspectives on what, why, and how geospatial data is shared and made available to the public.
Finding Geospatial Data Online
Instructor: | Michael Shensky |
Date: | 2/8/2019 (Fri.) |
Time: | 3:00 p.m. |
Location: | PCL Learning Lab 1 |
Event Type: | Workshop |
Event Series: | Data & Donuts |
Downloads: | Workshop Slides (PDF) |
This workshop will provide instruction on browsing for geospatial data, cover how to search for specific datasets to download, and will discuss how to process downloaded data using GIS software to enhance its usability.
Introduction to GIS and Geospatial Data
Instructor: | Michael Shensky |
Date: | 2/1/2019 (Fri.) |
Time: | 3:00 p.m. |
Location: | PCL Learning Lab 1 |
Event Type: | Workshop |
Event Series: | Data & Donuts |
Downloads: | Workshop Slides (PDF) |
This workshop will provide an explanation of key geospatial terms and concepts and an introduction to geographic information system (GIS) software for visualizing, analyzing, storing, processing, and managing geospatial data. By the end of this session you should have the core knowledge required to start working effectively with geospatial datasets.
Visualizing Geospatial Data
Instructor: | Michael Shensky |
Date: | 10/12/2018 |
Location: | PCL Learning Lab 1 |
Type: | Workshop |
Series: | Data & Donuts |
Downloads: | Workshop Slides (PDF) |
This workshop provides a broad overview of commonly used tools, from powerful open source GIS software like QGIS to new online web mapping platforms like ArcGIS Online. Live demonstrations will showcase the diverse array of mapping tools that are available to UT faculty, staff, and students for creating engaging visualizations from a variety of geospatial datasets.