When you have a question about access to industry standards, please contact Larayne Dallas for help --- with Ask a Librarian as a back-up.
To gain access to standards from a known organization, use the table below and click on the title link to go directly to the appropriate database. Please read the corresponding notes.
BEFORE using the Accuris (formerly IHS) databases --- ACI, ASCE, ASHRAE, ASME, ICC, IESNA, or NFPA:
Please Note: International Standards (ISO, IEC, ITU, DIN, etc.) are not collected by the University of Texas Libraries. Go to the Standards Store to purchase copies of standards from all national or international organizations and many companies.
ALSO: We don't subscribe to ANSI standards, UNLESS they are co-sponsored by one of the following groups:
Society | Notes |
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials |
You may limit to AASHTO by going (in ASTM Compass) to "My Subscription" and then going down the page to select AASHTO. AASHTO's academic subscription --- the one offered to us --- excludes some current standards. |
ACI American Concrete Institute |
Once in the database select "Engineering Workbench" |
API American Petroleum Institute |
You may limit to API by going (in ASTM Compass) to "My Subscription" and then going down the page to select API. |
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers |
Once in the database select "Engineering Workbench" |
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers |
Once in the database select ”Engineering Workbench” |
[older print handbooks can be found in the catalog] |
Once in the database select ”Engineering Workbench” and type "ashrae handbook" in the keyword search field. |
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
Once in the database select "Engineering Workbench” |
Once in the database, select "IHS Engineering Workbench" and then look on the left for "ASME BPVC" [includes the following versions: 2019, 2015, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2004, 2001, 1998] |
You may limit to ASTM content by going (in ASTM Compass) to "My Subscription" and then going down the page to select ASTM. In addition to ASTM standards and research reports - ASTM Compass includes full-text access to all ASTM journals, Special Technical Publications (STP), manuals/monographs, data series, proceedings, bulletins, and materials research and standards. *We also have many ASTM STPs (special technical publications) in print. Go to the catalog and type in "ASTM special technical publications" in the title field. |
You may limit to AWS by going (in ASTM Compass) to "My Subscription" and then going down the page to select AWS. |
ICC *Only the current editions are available online, for historical editions go to the catalog and search by the title of the code. Example: International Building Code (in print) |
Once in the database select ”Engineering Workbench” type ICC in the document number search box. ICC requires users to download and use a free Adobe Acrobat plug-in to view their secure PDF standards. For more information, once in the database, click on the yellow lock icon |
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
Click on Browse near the top left and select Standards |
IESNA Illuminating Engineering Society of North America |
Once in the database select ”Engineering Workbench” |
NESC National Electrical Safety Code and Handbook |
NFPA National Fire Protection Association |
Once in the database select ”Engineering Workbench." The NFPA does not allow downloads. |
To limit your search to standards, go to the "Standards" tab near the top right of the "landing page" |
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Some of our standards subscriptions are arranged through Accuris (formerly IHS). ASTM, AASHTO, API, and AWS standards are separately available via:
NOTE: ASTM Compass should work on all updated browsers, but Firefox and Safari seem to work best for off campus users
IEEE standards, a large and important group of standards, are available through IEEE Xplore:
SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) standards are separately available through the SAE Mobilus database.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.