All Images that the VRC scans are stored and made available on DASE (Digital Archive Services) and on Artstor. All faculty, students and staff in the Department of Art and Art History, as well as those in other departments on campus, who seek high-quality images with searchable metadata, may order images from the VRC for educational use. Here is a sampling of our services:
- Digitize images from books, transparencies, photos, slides and digital photography for lectures and publications
- Original photography
- Assist you with locating images
- Offer DASE and Artstor training and tips
- Show you resources for citing images
- Arrange to view the slide collection
Digital images will be made after verification is made that no similar image exists on DASE or Artstor. The images will be produced for educational use only in accordance with the fair use guidelines of the U.S. Copyright Law and the guidelines provided by the UT System Legal Office, which has advised that no more than 30% of images per publication should be scanned.
For scanning requests, download our Digital Request Form that can be printed from this site or fill out a hard copy that can be found at the Circulation desk of the Fine Arts Library or in the mail room in the Art History Department. Bring your material and the form to our offices in FAL 5.014A, or leave them at the Circulation desk, indicating to the staff that the material is for scanning by the VRC. Make sure that your name and email address are given so we can let you know when your scans have been uploaded to DASE and then return your material to you. Our turn-around time is 1-2 weeks.