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UGS 303: Visual Sociology / Pettit

Using sources to find more sources

Find articles from citations

Have you ever scrolled or flipped to the END of an article to see what the author has used as sources or evidence for her article? If you have not, you're welcome, I just solved research for you.

Use sources to find more sources. 

First, you need to decide if something is a book or an article.
A citation for a book will have the author, the book title (often in italics) and the publisher:

Bursik, Robert J., Jr. and Harold G. Grasmick. 1993. Neighborhoods and Crime: The Dimensions of Effective Community Control. New York: Lexington Books. 

A citation for an article will usually be longer. There will be the author(s) name, the title of the article (usually in quotation marks) and then the name of the publication (journal, magazine, or newspaper) (usually in italics) the article came from:

Aseltine, Robert H., Jr. and Ronald C. Kessler. 1993. “Marital Disruption and Depression in a Community Sample.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 34(3):237-51.

You can search for the book or article in our catalog on 

Try this! Sometimes you can just copy and paste part of the citation into the search bar. Doesn't always work!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.