The IMF provides access to a range of time series data on IMF lending, exchange rates and other economic and financial indicators. Datasets are available for download at the IMF eLibrary website.
On the IMF Data Portal landing page, users can get access to Predefined Data Tables by country or indicator. Users may be able to change Country, Indicator, and/or Date in most Predefined Data Tables.
Sign in or register is required to download bulk data, subscribe to news and data update, and more.
For more help on navigating the website and locating datasets from the landing page, please refer to the following help document in the IMF Knowledge Base:
Navigation: How to find a dataset from the Home page
Help documents about Predefined Data Tables:
Table: How to export data from Tables
Table: How to select countries for which I want data
Table: how to select indicators for which i want data
The Datasets tab list all the available datasets in alphabetical order and provides detailed explanations of each dataset. Users can download bulk data or subscribe to data update for each dataset. Sign in or register required.
The document below provides a list all the available datasets.
The Data Topics tab lists all available datasets by sector (External, Financial, Fiscal, Real). The Cross-domain section lists datasets which focus on topics and geographic regions of interest.
The Download IMF Data tab provides bulk download option for all available datasets listed in alphabetical order. Users can explore more about each dataset by clicking on the name.
For more help on how to bulk download data, please refer to the following documents in the IMF Knowledge Base:
Export Data: How to Bulk Download
Bulk Download: How to extract and view data in Excel
Additional help documents can be found in the Help Documents and References section of the IMF Knowledge Base. Help topics include, but are not limited to the following:
How to export data from Predefined Data Tables
How to get underlying data in a table or a chart
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