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UGS 303 - DD - Heritage and Hate - West Ohueri


In Class

Questions to consider about your table's Zines (for this part, mostly the numbered ones):

Did the zine's writer(s) incorporate outside sources? How did they indicate that to the reader? Did you notice any issues about how they did this? What kinds of sources did they use?

Did they mix creative elements into the zine? What did you think about how they did that?

Did this zine give you good ideas or ideas for things you'd like to avoid for your creative assignment?

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Sarah Brandt
Need research help in your UGS 302/303 or TC 302 course? Sarah is available for one-on-one virtual consults on Zoom. Click "Schedule Appointment" or send an email to get started! Sarah is generally only available to meet or to respond to email during business hours.

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