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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

ME/CE 398T: Supervised Teaching in Engineering

Internet Sources

Finding Internet Sources

While Google isn't the most efficient way for you to find journal articles, it will be good tool for to find practical blog and magazine articles, conference materials, reports, training and other resources created by people working in higher education.The sources below may be good starting places.

Being a smart searcher can save you time. Below are some tips to make your searching more productive....

Use quotations for phrases and linked words like "high school" or "digital divide"

Use a minus sign (with no spaces after it) to removes items. Adding -"college students" would exclude sites with that phrase.

Limit to specific domains by adding site:org (or site:edu, or site:gov) to your search.This also works for more specific domains like or

Limit to PDF results if you're hoping to find reports and publications by adding filetype:pdf  to your search phrase.

After you've run your search, you can use the "Tools" to limit to results from the last week/month/year or to a custom time period.


Consider these criteria when evaluating an internet source and using it in your work.

  1. Currency: When was this web site last updated? Is it current enough, given the nature of your topic?
  2. Relevancy: Is this really the information that you need? Does it effectively support your work?
  3. Authority: Who is the author? Is s/he an expert? Who is the publisher? Are they reputable?
  4. Purpose: What is the purpose of this site? Is this fact or opinion based? Is it biased?

This video was created for Colorado Community College Online by Stefanie Stephens.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.