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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

UGS 302: Evidence-based Social Change - Prof. Marteleto

Find Information and Photos about Your Country

Find Background Information about your Country

Finding and Citing Images using Google Image Search


  • Google Image Search ( has some advanced search features.
  • Use the Advanced Search or run a search and use the filters on the search results screen. Includes helpful filters such as size, color, type and region.
  • screen shot of Google's advanced image search


Copyright and citing:

  • Since you are just using this in a class for educational purposes, you do not have to worry about usage rights. If you were publishing this in any way, wehther online or in print, you would.
  • In APA style, all images you find on the Web, whether they are free to use or not, should be cited unless they say "no attribution required." See the Cite Your Sources page for help citing in APA style.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.