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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

McNair Scholars

Welcome to the Scholars Lab

Photograph by Kieran Reeves Photography 

The Scholars Lab is a PCL-based campus-wide resource that provides researchers with infrastructure, UT Libraries subject librarian and domain-situated expertise, and opportunities for learning, consultation, collaboration, and research presentation to enhance multidisciplinary research and digital scholarship.

It is located on the entry level of the Perry-Castañeda Library, in a space adjacent to the lobby and Scholars Commons.


The Scholars Lab has a variety of spaces that allow for hybrid meetings, events, and areas to work on group projects.

  • Data Lab with 32 Macs for instruction and events 
  • Scan Tech Studio for digitization of print materials and optical character recognition,
  • Project Rooms that offer hybrid meeting-enabled technology
  •  Variety of spaces for both individual and collaborative productivity.

To learn more and reserve the spaces visit the Scholars Lab website.


The Scholars Lab provides various services to support faculty and students as they navigate their projects.

  1. Instruction:

    • Scholars Lab staff assist faculty with course design and offer class visits.
    • We provide instruction on implementing digital tools for research and teaching.
  2. Consultation:

    • Collaborate with us to discuss your project and identify necessary tools for research advancement.
  3. Events:

    • Interested in hosting a Digital Scholarship event at the Scholars Lab? Use the Scholars Lab Data Lab. 

If you are interested in these services visit the Scholars Lab website.





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