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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Fodder - TC 302: Prof. Walker - Educational Disparities

Find scholarly analysis

Why use works by scholars?

As you research educational disparities and how to assure the success of first generation college students,, works by scholars will provide you with the following:

* in-depth analysis of programs and services for first generation college students to learn what has and has not worked. It might not be about UT, but you can apply what you learn to the context of UT

* expert information and theory about effective approaches to supporting equitable outcomes for first generation college students as well as research into the needs and characteristics of the first generation college student.  

How to search for scholarly works

Library databases can't be searched the same way as Google so take a few moments to come up with a search strategy before diving into a database.

Step 1:  Think about the key concepts of your topic and search those instead of an entire phrases or sentences.

Step 2:   Think of other terms you could use that are synonyms or related (they could be a broader or narrower aspect).  This often requires that you do a little background research to learn more.

Step 3:  Connect your terms using AND and OR:

Remember - 

  • AND narrows your topic (use AND between terms if you want them all to appear in your results)
  • OR broadens your topic (use OR between terms if you want any, not all, to appear in your results)

Some useful keywords for your topic:

first generation undergraduate equity
first-generation college student graduation
first in family university student retention
  post secondary programs
  higher education success

Find Peer-reviewed Journal Articles by Scholars

Find Scholars' Blogs and Twitter Accounts

Many scholars share their research and arguments on blogs and social media, especially Twitter, in advance of or in addition to sharing through the scholarly publishing process. You will find active conversations between scholars, especially as it relates to current events and pressing issues they want to weigh in on without waiting for the long scholarly publishing process. In addition, numerous professors who were first generation college students themselves share their experiences as mentors to current undergraduates in this way. To find blogs, search Google with your keywords and add blog.

Where is the article?

If you don’t see a .pdf of the article you want, click Find it to find it in another database or in print in the Libraries.

If it is only in print in the Libraries or we don’t own the article, click Get a Scan to have the article emailed to you.

What is a Peer-Reviewed Journal Article?

Peer-reviewed journal articles, sometimes known as scholarly, refereed or academic articles, have the following characteristics:

1. Written by researchers/scholars

2. Reviewed by other researchers/scholars - this process is called peer-review

3. Published in scholarly, peer-reviewed journals 

4. Written for an audience of other researchers/scholars

5.  Created to share research with others in the scholarly discipline 

If you can't tell whether or not a journal is peer-reviewed, check Ulrichsweb.

  1. access the database
  2. type in the title of the journal
  3. peer-reviewed journals will have a referee jersey ("refereed" is another term for "peer-reviewed") - example below

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