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UGS 303 - DD Social Issues and Children's Lit - Davila

Build Your Book List and Find Reviews

Find Articles on a Topic

For this assignment, you might need a few types of sources:

Source Type Start Here

Scholarly Articles

Start with the library search bar - advanced search. Try the "peer reviewed" limit. You can also use the recommended library databases. 


Start with the library search bar - advanced search. You can limit to books. Use the find books tab for more information. Use subject tags to find books on similar topics. Children's Literature Comprehensive Database can help identify books in a particular genre, subject area, or grade level (see the bottom of this page). You can also identify books from publications like School Library Journal or lists made by librarians or teachers.  
Book Reviews Start with the library search bar - advanced search. Try the title of the book you're interested in and look for reviews. School Library Journal and Horn book both publish reviews of children's books. 

Searching databases is different than searching Google. Distil what you're looking for into a few key terms or phrases, rather than whole sentences. 

  1. Is the academic achievement of immigrant students impacted by national policy debates on immigration?)
  2. For each main concept, brainstorm a few synonyms and related terms (broader or narrower) that get at that concept:
    • Key Concepts 

      immigrant students academic achievement policy debates
      Related Terms

      undocumented students (more specific)





      academic performance

      achievement (more general)


      academic success

      public debate

      policy ideas

      policy proposals

      attitudes (more general/related)

      negative attitudes

      positive attitudes 

  3. Combine key terms using AND and OR:​​
    • AND narrows your search by looking for articles with all of the words (your two or three key concepts should be connected with AND, because you need all of them represented in useful articles). 
    • OR broadens your search by looking for articles with any of the words (synonyms and related terms should be separated by OR - they get at the same key concepts, so any of them are useful).
  4. Try different combinations of your keywords to get better results as you search.

Recommended Strategies for this class

Finding books on a topic 

Finding book reviews

Important awards for children's and YA books 

Databases for identifying children's books

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Where's the Article?

If you don’t see a .pdf of the article you want, click FIND IT AT UT to find it in another database or in print in the Libraries.

If it is only in print in the Libraries or we don’t own the article, click GET A SCAN to have the article emailed to you. This option will take a few days.

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