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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

HIS 317/AFR 315: Intro to African American Women's History / LeFlouria


How to Use This Guide

This library research guide was designed for the Introduction to African American Women's History course, taught by Dr. LeFlouria.

On This Guide

  • Find instructions on how and where to find background information, scholarly sources and primary sources.
  • View "Campus and Local Archives" to read more on visiting local archives in-person and viewing their digital collections online. 
  • Under "More Help", you'll also find other important information about library services, citation help and writing support. 

Research Help

  • Your course librarian, Adriana, is available for one-on-one research appointments to help you with your research. Contact her via email with questions or schedule an appointment using the links to the right.
  • You can also get quick research help through our Ask A Librarian live chat service

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.