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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Summer Bridge Writing Program


Welcome to our libraries!

When you think of the word "library", what comes to mind? 

If your first thought was "a quiet building full of books", you're not wrong! It's true, our UT Libraries do have millions of books, and there are spaces located within our eleven buildings that are "quiet zones". But we are much more than our books and buildings.

We also provide:

  • Over 800 online databases, providing access to BILLIONS of scholarly articles, ebooks, and other online literature
  • The Foundry (a makerspace where you can create art using our 3D printer, record yourself using our professional grade recording studio, and much more) at the Fine Arts Library
  • An internationally recognized Latin American collection (including art, manuscripts, and cinema) at the Benson
  • Online exhibits
  • Access to additional technology, geospatial data, and much more!

Of course, we still love our books. But mostly we love serving the students, faculty, and staff of the University of Texas at Austin. Our number one priority is making sure you have the resources you need.


What is this guide for?

The University of Texas at Austin has eleven branches. Ten of the libraries are on campus here in Austin; the eleventh is the Marine Science Library in Port Aransas.

  • Our libraries are here to serve you. While you will find thousands of books on our shelves, you will also find technology, group study space, silent student space, primary documents, maps, and whatever else you need to succeed here at UT.
  • Each library is different. The Perry-Castaneda Library (PCL) is probably the branch you will use the most, but try exploring our other locations! Maybe you will find something special.
  • Use the Library Locations tab to the left to learn more about our physical spaces!

Information literacy skills include:

  • Evaluating authority and credibility of a source
  • Evaluating the use of evidence in a source
  • Citing a source with correct formatting

Of course you will use these skills in the classroom, but they are also applicable in your day to day life. Mis/disinformation is readily available on every subject online. By analyzing the information you are given, you are protecting yourself from being led astray by non-credible and/or biased information. 

Unless you are a transfer student, during the fall or spring semester of your freshman year you will take a UGS class. During the class, you willl probably work with a librarian on using library resources to perform research. 

Here are some helpful links to get you ready for collegiate-level research:


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Annah Hackett
Want to talk about accessing resources online, using the information you have found, or anything else research related? Please email me!
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Online Hours: M-F 8:30AM-5:30PM

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