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RHE 309S: Critical Reading & Persuasive Writing / Burns

How to read scholarly articles

Yes, it is as difficult as you feel it is.

Reading scholarly articles is difficult because these are texts written by experts in a narrow field for experts in that same field.

One day you will be an expert in your particular field of study.

You will be:

  • Familiar with conversations that experts in a topic area are having.
  • Able to recognize and evaluate research methodologies commonly used in your field.
  • Able to evaluate the use of and relevance of evidence presented in an article to analyze as evidence in your own research.
  • Familiar with the jargon and the common accepted knowledge in a field.

It will remain difficult to master reading these articles outside of your discipline or field of study, but I have some advice.

Breaking down a scholarly article

At about the 7 min mark, the video talks about a strategy for skimming.


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