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AMS 311S: Technology, Science, and Pop Culture / Schneider

Course guide for students in the AMS 311S: Technology, Science, and Pop Culture course

Newspapers and Magazines

Finding Historical Newspapers

Front page of Austin-American Statesman, covering the Watergate scandal in 1973

Front page of Austin American Statesman, discussing the Watergate scandal, 1973 from the Austin American Statesman Historical Database.
Currently, this page focuses on database access to historical newspapers, with a few suggestions for historical newspaper titles. 
We have listed and organized our U.S. historical newspapers by type and topic: 
  • General Databases - containing national and regional newspapers throughout U.S. History
  • Distinct Communities - featuring historical newspapers that covered stories relevant to specific peoples and communities
  • Popular Magazines - popular historical magazines and serials
  • Scholarly Periodicals - historical academic publications and scholarly articles

What role does a newspaper article play as evidence?

Journalists write informational articles (reporting) to record an event as it happened, including recording the varying perspectives folks have. 

Those who write op-eds can come from all different professions and perspectives - their job is to make commentary on or interpret an event, likely as informed by their beliefs or expertise (read bios or Google authors to learn more).

In either case, use a newspaper article to capture the conversation as it happened and to map different perspectives on an issue.

Select Newspapers

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