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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries


Primary Sources

Finding Print Primary Sources

UT Libraries has many print primary sources related to the history of pre-independent India.  Adding general and subject keywords will help you find primary sources.  For example, terms like "personal narratives" often include diaries and memoirs, "sources" typically includes collections of primary documents, etc.

Helpful terms to add to catalog searches for this class include:

  • Biography
  • Diaries
  • Letters
  • Journal
  • Personal narratives
  • Sources

For example, potentially helpful subject terms and combinations might include:

Online Primary Sources

How to Analyze Primary Sources

While primary sources are often desirable for the raw, non-interpreted information they provide, it is important to analyze them for your research. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Who is the creator and what was their relationship to the event or issue?
  • Why did the creator produce this source?
  • Was the source for personal use?  For a large audience?
  • Was the source intended to be public (newspaper) or private (correspondence)?
  • Everyone has biases. What biases or interests might have influenced how the source was created?
  • Can the source be substantiated by other primary sources? Can you confirm what the creator is saying?

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.