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Secondary Sources

Finding Secondary Sources

Choosing a Database

In addition to the general search options above, search in library databases to find more articles related to your topic. 

Some databases like Academic Search Complete are multidisciplinary:

  • Include popular and scholarly articles on all topics
  • Useful if scholars from multiple disciplines would write about your topic or if you don't know where to start
  • Great for assignments in UGS and other undergraduate courses where you may only need a few sources

For subject-specific databases, look on the Databases List (use the "All Subjects" dropdown menu) or on the guide for your class or subject on this Guides List.

  • Include scholarly and specialized articles from a specific discipline
  • To choose a database, think about what department on campus would have scholars researching your topic, then use the "All Subjects" dropdown menu on the databases page to find that department, or find the guide for that subject (ex. PsycINFO for Psychology topics).

Types of Secondary Sources



Scholarly books are long publications of research, often published by university presses. They are released all at once (unlike periodicals, such as journals and newspapers), though some will be re-published in updated editions. 

Some books are anthologies, which are edited collections of essays/chapters that are written by different authors. Scholarly anthologies are often thematic, covering a specific sub-field of a discipline. 

Book Chapters

Book chapters are sections of a book. In the case of scholarly books, pay attention for chapters in anthologies (collections of essays written by different authors). The citations for book chapters in anthologies often look like citations for journal articles. 

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

Journal articles are shorter pieces of scholarship and are published in peer-reviewed journals. Journals are released in regular intervals, such as monthly, quarterly, or annually. Peer review refers to the journals' vetting process. Each article is reviewed by other experts and scholars for quality and accuracy. 

Book Reviews

A book reviews is a type of article that analyzes and critiques a recently published book. Book reviews can be found in peer-reviewed journals, as well as mainstream publications such as newspapers and magazines. 

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