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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Education Research

Educational Policy

Resources for Ed Policy Research

Texas Education Agency

Texas Legislature

Texas Higher Education

U.S. Department of Education

U.S. Congress

Publications from university-based, education policy research centers

Add your keywords... Simply start by adding your keywords to the Google search bar, keeping phrases together with quotation marks.

Limit by file type... If you're looking for documents or publications, try limiting to results that are PDFs.

Limit to .gov or .org sites... Try limiting your results to domains at are likely to have policy-related materials (examples: .org, .us, .gov).

Limit to a specific domain... If you're looking for a document from a specific organization or agency, try limiting to their specific URL ending.

Use parentheses to OR like terms or categories... If there are multiple ways of describing something, or if you'd like to include more than one file type or domain address, use capitals OR's to string together those terms and group them with parentheses.



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