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Site Reports

Site Reports Search Strategies

Site Reports document, classify and analyze layers of structures and artifacts of a particular place. They are core and key primary sources in the archaeology of a place (or site), based on evidence from the time of the work.



Reports speculate on function and social connections and draw conclusions. In some cases they document the history of the 'digs' and of research. Reports frequently attempt to cover the chronology of habitation. Site Reports exist in a wide range of formats, and can range from old in the case of a site that is no longer accessible, to preliminary format in hard-to-find print or online publications.  In some cases, early Site Reports will be superseded by subsequent findings or technology, and interpretations through time may not be definitive or stable.

Bibliography: Mignon, Molly Raymond, Dictionary of Concepts in Archaeology, 1993.
The Oxford Companion to Archaeology, ed. Brian M. Fagan, 1996. 


Site reports can be challenging to find, and may require flexibility in searching resources.  In some cases, images, captions and bibliographies can be useful, as in the case where a  report will appear only in a foreign language, or could be "old," depending on the history of the site. 

Search Strategies:  Try a variety of keyword strategies in searching for materials, and use keyword combinations with :

Tip 1) Try using the following words along with a country name, region, found object and/or type of site (eg. Pompeii and...; wine and... tombs and...)

  • excavation
  • antiquities
  • archaeology
  • report
  • site
  • historical

Tip 2) Think globally about the site names and/or objects you are searching.  Do they have alternate spellings or earlier names you could try?  Brainstorm with these tools:


    1) Use Advanced Search with "or" to cast the widest search.  
    2) Search full text, use ? for wildcard
    3) Filter to English (anglais) language only if desired. 


Fasti Online
"database of excavations [throughout the Roman Empire] since 2000, providing a record in English and in the local language for each season. ... not ... all sites being excavated, and certainly not on those excavated in the past, or never excavated. Each participating country is responsible for uploading the data it gathers: some countries’ records are more complete than others."

Perseus Art & Archaeology Artifact Browser
Browse Perseus (Tufts) content for buildings, gems, coins, sculptures, sites, and vases.

Archaeological Site Reports in Books

Search the Library catalog:

  • [place name] antiquities
  • [place name] archaeology
  • [place name] excavations archaeology

Tip: Report places can be countries, regions, cities, or Site Reports can be attributed to a perceived people/group.


Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, 1976
"Classic" approach to historical sites.


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