Beazley Archive (University of Oxford archive)
Largest collection of photos, pottery, gems and gem references. Searches subsets of casts, Etruscan terracottas, gems, pottery. Includes selections from CVA.
Images include selections from CVA (Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum).
Search or browse the CVA, photographs and descriptions of ancient vases found in museums and collections across the world. Search by theme, or browse by location.
CRRO: Coinage of the Roman Republic Online
Starting with the British Museum's Roman Republican coin collection, and adapted and updated from Michael Crawford's (1974) Roman Republic Coinage.
OCRE: Online Coins of the Roman Empire
Images of coins contributed from the American Numismatic Society, the Münzkabinett of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, the Römisch-Germanische Kommission of the Deutsche Archäologische Institut, and the Academia Romana.
Médailles et Antiques de la Bibliothèque nationale de France
Strong collection of coins, medals and antiquities . Search in french!
Numismatische Bilddatenbank Eichstatt
Searchable images of 7,500+ coins from Katholischen Universitat Eichstatt
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum
British Academy Research project, working towards publishing illustrated catalogues of Greek coins from the British Isles. Includes public and private collections.
TIP: Use "search all" box at lower right of search form. British spellings (ie harbour not harbor).
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