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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

American Studies

Books and Book Reviews

Finding Books on U.S. History and Culture

Print books at UT Libraries are arranged by Library of Congress call numbers. Although history is covered in many other disciplines (e.g. women's history may also be located in women's studies call numbers while medical history may be in medicine call numbers), the major sections for U.S. History are listed below. 

Table of U.S. History LOC Call Numbers

Native Americans
Early European Expeditions and Encounters
United States
Colonial History
Civil War
20th Century
Late 20th Century
21st Century

screenshot of a library catalog record, showing the Virtual Browsing feature


Virtual Browsing: One of the most exciting parts of research is browsing the stacks and finding a book that you didn't know you needed. When you can't browse the shelves in person, patrons can use the library catalog's Virtual Browsing feature. At the bottom of every catalog record is a virtual shelf of books with nearby call numbers, categorized by their similar subject matter. Use this Virtual Browsing to find resources that may give you more context or perspectives on your research topic. When you find a book, you can easily request it through the online catalog and pick it up from the front desk in the PCL. 

Using the Library Catalog

Use the Library Catalog to search UT Libraries collections for books and media. 

Want to learn more about how to find, borrow, or request items from UT libraries?  Watch the video below. 

Library Catalog - FAQ

How long can I check out a book?

  • As a UT student you can check a book out for the entire semester

Pick it Up button 

  • Recalls an item that is checked out by someone else (don't feel bad about requesting the things you need!)
  • Recalls an item from storage (we have more books than we can store onsite -- don't limit yourself to what you see in the stacks)
  • Allows you to pick up a book at the PCL (even if it is from somewhere else)

Renew Online

  • Use the My Account tab at the top right of the library home page or catalog to renew materials

Don't see what you need?

  • Use interlibrary loan to request a copy of the print book from another library for free. 

Print Books vs E-Books

When you Refine results by Resource Type and choose Book*, the system doesn't distinguish between hardcopy books and e-books.  To limit to e-books, add the facet Available Online.  (See image.) To limit to print books, add the facet Physical Copy. In cases where we have both a physical copy and an e-book version, they will often share the same bibliographic record and be shown together in the full record display.

snap of facets to limit to ebooks

Getting Books Not Available at UT

Interlibrary Loan:

  • Interlibrary Loan (ILL) can be used to request physical items like print books, microfilm, AV material, and conference proceedings. Direct questions to:

Get a Scan

  • Scans of book chapters, journal and newspaper articles are available to UT-Austin users with a 3-5 day turnaround time.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.