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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Cite your Sources: Engineering Resources

Finding Ready-Made Citations and "Quick Tools"

Tools that Supply Citations

For big writing projects, we recommend using a citation manager.  These help with staying organized and allow easy switching between citation styles (as between Chicago and APA).

But sometimes you might need a quick citation or would like to compare a recommendation citation format against the recommendation format from another source. 


From Library Databases:

Many library databases give suggested citations, including in several different citation styles.  Here are some examples of what you might expect to see.  Be sure and look in the more detailed version of the record:

  • In the UT library catalog:

Special quotation marks along with the word "Citation."

  • In the Ebsco databases: 

An image of what appears to be a sheet of paper, along with the word, "Cite."


Citation Helpers:

You have probably used tools like this.  You may go to some freely-provided services where you fill in information, select the citation style, and get a suggested citation.  For example:

**Artificial intelligence (AI) products seem as though they should be great for constructing citations but when UT librarians tested in Summer 2024, they found the AI products to be unreliable.

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