Library databases and Google can't be searched the same way so take a few moments to come up with a search strategy before diving into a database.
Step 1: Think about the key concepts of your topic and search those instead of an entire phrases or sentences.
Step 2: Think of other terms you could use that are synonyms or related (they could be a broader or narrower aspect). This often requires that you do a little background research to learn more.
Step 3: Connect your terms using AND and OR:
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For more information on ebooks see the Ebook Guide
Use this link to access Google Scholar, and see our Google Scholar Guide for information on using this resource.
If you encounter a warning about the security certificate when using the FindIt@UT tool in Google Scholar, you can learn more about that using this guide.
The Vogue Archive also features specialist indexing of full-page images from photo features. This has been newly created by Condé Nast, with expert indexers using controlled lists to apply keywords to each separate image within a document. There are separate designated fields for Fashion Item (e.g. kimono, Breton jacket, scoop neckline), Person Pictured, Company/brand, Designer Name and Material (e.g. chiffon, wool).
As the official journal of the nonprofit National Geographic Society, National Geographic magazine built its reputation delivering the highest-quality photojournalism and cartography in the world. As generations of researchers and fans will attest, the iconic monthly publication provides unparalleled, in-depth coverage of cultures, nature, science, technology and more.
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You may be asked to look for peer-reviewed, research, scholarly, referred or academic articles - all names for the same type of source. What are they? These articles go through the peer-review process before they are published. A scholar/researcher/professor submits their article to a journal and it is sent to other experts in the field (peers) to ensure that they contain high-quality, original research important to the field. This is a measure of quality control other types of articles don't go through.
If you can't tell whether or not a journal is peer-reviewed, check Ulrichsweb.
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