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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

2019 Passport to UT

Find Books

Find Books

To find a specific book or books on a particular topic, start with UT library catalog. The catalog will tell you which books we own, and will give you the location, call number and book status you need to find the book on the shelf.

book record

Find books beyond UT Libraries

Use specialized search tools such as:

  • WorldCat searches books from libraries all over world.
  • Google Books searches the full text of millions books.
  • If you find a book that the libraries do not own, you can request a copy or individual chapter via Interlibrary Services.

How can I use books in my research?

  • Get broader coverage of a topic than articles do and more in-depth coverage
  • Learn more about the relationship between different concepts and topics

  • When the Libraries purchases books, we usually get materials recommended by scholars or faculty members in the subject.

  • To find historical perspective

Tip: It can take over a year for many academic books to be published. Use articles to find information on a very current topic.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.