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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

UGS 303: Education and Black America / Foster

Find News and Viewpoints

These are not peer reviewed, so why do I care?

You are likely very goal-focused right now and you want to find six peer reviewed academic journal articles. Newspapers and magazines never go through the peer reviewed process. So why am I including this option for you?

  • The information in journals is not meant to cover current events - do you want to highlight an example of the issue you are tackling in your paper, say an incident or an individual's perspective?
  • Academic journal articles may study and gather data from local communities, but maybe not the one you are interested in. Can you find stories about the location you are interested in the news and then link those stories to the research findings in journal articles?
  • Who does research? What do researchers choose to research? If you are missing perspectives in your journal articles, you may try a news source instead. Academic research does not always represent marginalized voices. Research done in academia isn't always as diverse as our communities.
  • These resources are ideal for accessing opposing viewpoints - discover controversies and solutions in the news and search for them in academic articles

Liberal and Conservative Publications

Click on a title and choose a database to search the full text of that magazine for your topic.

Liberal           Conservative
American Prospect    American Conservative
Dissent American Enterprise
In These Times American Spectator
Mother Jones Commentary
The Nation Human Events
The Progressive National Review
Tikkun Policy Review
The New Republic Weekly Standard
Washington Monthly World

Note: This is a partial list of popular magazines. Other publications not included on this list may have a strong political viewpoint or bias.

Also try...

The New York Times

The New York Times offers incomparable coverage of national and international news.

As a UT student, you have free unlimited access to the New York Times at This includes Cooking, Games and the Athletic. Your access to nyt is directly through the site and the app, not through our databases, which makes the reading experience easier and more enjoyable.

You may download the nyt app to your phone and access the full subscription.

Being an informed citizen makes doing research in every subject easier, makes you a better communicator and a more empathetic human.

Use this guide to set up your account.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.