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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

SOC 320T - Qualitative Methods of Social Research

Census Data

Finding Census Boundaries

These maps can help you determine the census area that aligns with your school zone. 

Demographic & Census Data

Social Explorer - An easy way to find U.S. census data by geographic area, create tables and export to Excel.  Tips...

  1. Open the database (using the above link) in another browser tab
  2. Choose "Tables" in the top menu
  3. Choose a survey and time period (example... US Decennial Census > Census 2000) and click "Begin Report"
  4. Choose your geographies. Tip consider choosing both your specific location, and some broader locations for comparison. Example...
    1. Choose Geographic Type > 040 State > Texas > "Add".
    2. Repeat with 050 County > Texas > your county > "Add"
    3. Repeat with 160 Place > Texas > your city > "Add"
    4. Repeat with 800 Zip Code (or 860 for some surveys)  > your zip code > "Add"
    5. Repeat with 140 Census Tract > Texas > your county > your census tracts > "Add"
  5. Click "Proceed to Tables"
  6. Select data points of interest to you and click the "Add" button
  7. Click "Show results"
  8. From here you can export the data to Excel.

Video: Gathering demographic data using Social Explorer


Profile Photo
Carolyn Cunningham
Pronouns: she/her

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