Social Explorer - An easy way to find U.S. census data by geographic area, create tables and export to Excel. Tips...
- Open the database (using the above link) in another browser tab
- Choose "Tables" in the top menu
- Choose a survey and time period (example... US Decennial Census > Census 2000) and click "Begin Report"
- Choose your geographies. Tip consider choosing both your specific location, and some broader locations for comparison. Example...
- Choose Geographic Type > 040 State > Texas > "Add".
- Repeat with 050 County > Texas > your county > "Add"
- Repeat with 160 Place > Texas > your city > "Add"
- Repeat with 800 Zip Code (or 860 for some surveys) > your zip code > "Add"
- Repeat with 140 Census Tract > Texas > your county > your census tracts > "Add"
- Click "Proceed to Tables"
- Select data points of interest to you and click the "Add" button
- Click "Show results"
- From here you can export the data to Excel.